Over the past few months, it has been raining reclaimed wood into our splintered hands! Brent has actually forbidden me from accepting any more free lumber because we're running out of places to store it. Currently, we have three different types of hardwood flooring - one will be used as flooring in our kitchen, the other two types of flooring will become woodworking projects. There isn't enough of either of these types of flooring to actually lay down in a room - but I just couldn't watch it go into a dumpster - so instead we drug it home. Here's a small sampling of one type of the flooring.
So now I have the arduous problem of figuring out what to make out of this wood. The last thing I want to do is comb through Pinterest (that's heavy sarcasm, folks) searching and waiting for an idea to strike me. And then it happened. This picture on Pinterest (how many times has that sentence been used??!!), filled my computer screen and I HAD TO MAKE IT. Like. Now.
Just wait until you see what this little pile of hardwood flooring becomes!
To create these pumpkins, I mostly followed the instructions from the Pinterest link. I started by sketching out the three sizes of pumpkins on a piece particle board and cut them out with a jig saw.
Then I chose the hottest, most humid day of summer to sit on the patio and pull nails out of my flooring boards. I may have also pulled some swear words out of my pocket, because those babies did NOT want to come out very easily.
After I'd accumulated a decent pile of nail-free wood, I laid down one of my pumpkin templates and roughly cut pieces of flooring to the right length. This is what my top view looked like.Here's what you seen when you flip it over. Once all of the pieces were aligned and joined together, and working with it upside down as shown below, Brent used his nailer to put one inch nails through the particle board. At this point, the boards are attached to the pumpkin template.
Using a jig saw, we followed the particle board template and cut away the excess wood.
After lots of sanding with my orbital sander and 80 grit sand paper, it was time to start finishing them.
One of them got a coat of walnut stain...
The large one got a coat of Seagull Gray milk paint followed by a coat of Wythe Blue in a semi-gloss finish.
The smallest pumpkin started with a coat of Seagull Gray milk paint and then both the small and largest pumpkin were given a coat of VanDyke Brown glaze.
All three pumpkins were finished with Exterior Spar Urethane varnish on both the front and back, although with that particle board backer, I wouldn't recommend leaving these pumpkins out in the elements. Particle board will swell and expand when exposed to water, so if you want something that will work well outdoors, you'll have to find a material that is more resilient to moisture. These should do ok on a covered porch, if you're lucky enough to have one!
To make sure the pumpkin stayed upright, we cut this piece of angled wood and screwed it to the back.
The sticks came from our front yard and were attached with a few one inch brad nails.

Staging projects isn't exactly my strong point, so here are a ton of pics of me doing the best I could...
If you like this project, follow us on Facebook to see what else we're up to!
All of that hardwood for flooring is definitely a score! I love the reclaimed wood pumpkins. I made one myself years ago and painted images of Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the Great Pumpkin on it. My kids looked forward to displaying it every fall.